The critter designs for the open movie "Sprite Fright" currently under development in the Blender Animation Studio.
The final design without the "mouth flaps"
A chonky snail!
A western yellow wagtail!
The final design (she got a little slimmed down in 3D)
topview and some notes on how the feathers would fold
Adonis blue designs. This is a very recognizable design from the area. In the final movie it will have friendly pink spots tho!
BBQs aren't made to account for butterfly traffic...
Some more ideas for the pattern based on real butterflies from the area in England.
Shape explorations
Some more shape exploration. Some of these sure started to look like moths.
Designs based on storyboard sketches by Dirk Van Dulmen
The bunny sadly had to be left out because its scenes got cut and it would have been quite a lot of work for a background animal.
Bunny design combos based on what our director liked about the previous batch.
Trying to find just the right level of cartoony for our bunny.
The sassiest ladybug we could possibily design.
Our spiders eyes change at night so we had to think of some sort of "eyebrow" solution.
....and all of them together to get some size relationships and see if we can actually make a Sprite sit on top of a British sized spider!